Sunday, October 4, 2015

Architecture Reflection

Shujun Wu
Art 103

                                              Architecture Reflection 
       As for me, Architecture usually is stand for building. From the book, Architecture satisfies a basic universal human need for a roof over one's head and demands structural stability. From the slide show is easy and faster that halp me to learn about Archtecture. Various type pf construction ,such as Cast- Iron, Balloon-Frame, Steel-Frame, Suspension, Reinford concrete,Geodesic Domes. 
        We have a feild trip for watch the all the building by the lake side by water taxi. All the building look pretty giant; professor introdue each while we riding the water taxi. All although the trip spend only 10 mintues, but it still learn something of Architecture. Architecture is anywhere around us in life. These building were attracted the most.

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